Thursday 29 March 2007

verbal diarrhoea


I've got a severe attack! Been laid up for days on end. It's chronic and it's like an addiction that keeps needing a fix.

My blog is the best place to relieve myself (ahem!) as no one else will need to clean up the mess. I also cannot blame my blog for not responding and reciprocating in kind. Well, I could, as I am not a rational being. If I blame my friends and family for being unable to reproduce my hyperventilation, why can I not blame a space that does not exist in a world that cannot be seen through a keyboard that is a machine anyway! I don't know - I did warn you I was not a rational being. This, as I have said before, is my space to abuse et al;)

Daylight saving time is an odd thing. British seasons are odd things. Well, all seasons are fantastic, wonderful, strange phenomena to an Indian girl who two years ago was only used to hot, hotter and wet. Even Snow White was always warm on Disney... But it is hard to adjust to light and sunshine at half seven in the evening. I remember now as a friend brought it up. Try this for size - bright light at nine at night... Strange indeed. Beautiful nevertheless.

You, my reader (I think I might have a Bronte complex :O), may well ask me if 'beautiful' would be my favourite word! Siiiggghhh - well, it is a label of mine. I think I repeat myself so many times. I tell my students sometimes - as I rub my whiteboard for the dozenth(so I made it a word!) time - that I write too much, I talk too much and I hope at some point they are listening! Perhaps it is the bane of all teachers. The verb 'to be' must go with a verb '__ ing'. It is as if they were married - and the way I believe marriage to be. Now grammar geeks out there - please note I specified verb '__ing' and not gerund or adjective :D. No, no - this is the real thing. Faithful forever ;). The present perfect will, must, should, shall always have 'have' as the aux conjugated verb in the present. Now that means it can be 'have' or 'has'.
Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Rewind the CD. Play again. Say again. Try again.

But some things bear repetition... Beauty. You're beautiful. Well done! God's brilliant. I love you... Do you know Jesus? Do you know Him?


That Girl said...

i like you already. so.

Bronte, Austen lover?....yup, good in my books.

yay. a new friend!

pilgrim said...

good good;)

And CS Lewis (yes, I went n checked yr list now)... ooohhh Narnia!

hmmm i can't cook (even virtually as I'm relatively new to both scenes;)) - so i'd rather give you a chocolate buffet :D.

Dr Pepper said...

SK, you're beautiful!

Thank you for being such a wonderful friend/dark skinned sister ;)

Sunflowergirl x

pilgrim said...

sunflower girl - overwhelmed :)
Thanks xx