Sunday, 8 April 2007

Full Circle - and some


That link up there is another amazing passage in the Bible. He knows what the dark holds. He knows. Makes me want to cry and dance and hug Him and... shout... and cry again!

Not long ago in my ahem short span of life so far I experienced a reaction to my own race that wasn't exactly the most favourable. I have ranted in other blogs about the whys and the why nots. I am not going to rant here because God's brought me full circle. A couple of weeks ago I went to my first Tamil fellowship here, and I've been meeting Indians all over the place and they have been a blessing in many ways ... A restoration (it's ongoing at the moment) of my faith in my kind :)

Don't get me wrong and I have no wish to offend :). I love my family and friends back home in India - and funnily enough, nearly all of them happen to be Indians! But some of my friends reading this will know exactly what I'm talking about and it has hurt. It still hurts to think of it. But there is a certain restoration of trust and chipping away what little rancour there may have been that I am very grateful for.

I went to a couple of fellowships around the valleys. Everyone had questions about what I was doing and where. Inevitably I had to tell them that I was not going to be regular, and the questions were answered fluidly. I laughed (sometimes I had to blink away the quick lacrimation, lol) and told them I didn't know and hopefully I was going to find out. One darling little lady whom I was meeting for the first time and whose shoulders came just up to my own not-too-high hips gave me a hug that was so warm and tight - it was like she was holding on to me and letting me feel that she meant it. I was surprised by the unexpected firmness of the frail thing. Just one of the many lovely Welsh people, I have met. I know some of these people will pray for me too.

I am looking forward to going to India. I have thought about the big hugs I will give and just what I will say to some people. I have thought about how I will try to be nicer to some others. I've also noted that I may not have to actually try with quite a few because maybe I have grown up a teensy-weensy bit.

I am looking forward to going home. Because it is in God's perfect will and I have received confirmation of it both much before and immediately after it was done. And because home is where God wants you to be and learning that has helped me over 'homesickness' over these couple of years.

I am scared of going to India. Or rather there are moments when I have doubts - not about whether it's the right thing but about my ease in some situations. Because I don't know for how long I'm going to be home in India or whether I'm coming back or when... And I know that answer will not be sufficient for all the Indians I meet with. My answers to questions about why I am leaving this job indefinitely, about what I am going to do next, about how long I will stay in the town, about when I'm going to post a flippin' matrimonial ad... The why and the when questions... I have dealt with not knowing the answers, I have even found peace in it because God is good and He's a great teacher:). But I don't know and Because I feel God want(s/ed) me to, I know He does... will cause a reaction that while I picture with amusement, also makes me sad.

I know just how those brows will be raised and the heads will be cocked. Some of them will laugh as if I was making a joke. I admit I do laugh at it sometimes - and I will laugh with them :D. But I'll be stumped when they continue No, seriously, what next?? It is sometimes harder because Indians have their lives planned very well. I admire the focus - I have done exactly the same. Would do too again, if I had the chance. But given the way things are, my (informed) guess would be that there would be this niggling compulsion that will not go away if I ignored what God is obviously trying to do. There are times and people when and with whom God allows plans to work out and life to go as seen in the mind of the liver. He has done that so many times - down to the tiniest detail in my life - because that's how much He cares. But you know what, there are times when you just don't know and the sailing's easier because neither the mapping nor the navigating are in your hands. It's your holiday and if you're wise you'll enjoy it - because worry as you will, the ship will go its course.

Is that easy I wonder for the well-meaning 'uncles' and 'aunties' as we like to call them there to take in? Actually it might be worse for the younger people. People my age will all have their lives in order and be looking for the next degree or the next qualification or the next career move or the next life change. Yeah, but what d'you mean, you don't know? Or a few moments later So you've applied and you're waiting huh? Because they are sure they want that near-perfect (let's be realistic now) life they ordered. I wonder... does it make sense to you when I say yes, my life is perfect quite often, and it is definitely what I ordered, but I don't know what it is? Let's just say I ordered the Chef's Special Best...? No, actually, I really do mean I don't know it all. It is not a metaphor for not knowing which University or which job... I am waiting, but not for results... I am waiting on God. I have some answers and I feel soooo blessed with those. I don't have others - I feel equally blessed. If it does make sense to you, drop me a note or even a hug :)

Yes, I am looking forward to going home. Because even if I know my father and I may not agree, and I know I am going to be a lot more individually demanding than I used to be perhaps, and I know my mum might find it all a bit taxing, and I know I might need to find a church, and I know I am entirely unsure of how many of my friends I will fellowship with considering the number that have left, and I know it will be so good to feel my dad giving me a good hug, and I know I can touch my dogs' wet noses again, and I know my mum's cooking will be great and we can talk on the sofa instead of online all hours... and even if I know there is a lot I don't know and that it is quite something to know and have known what God's chosen to show... I still know it is home, because of family, friends, love but more importantly what I have said before - home is in the centre of God's perfect will.


Unknown said...

I understand - you are dreading what I am already doing on your behalf. The best answer is of course that you are waiting on the Lord which is a fact.

pilgrim said...

nirmala - thank you. yes it is, but it is also amusing in its reactions eh? lol