Friday 20 April 2007

A big long sigh and a few giggles


This is going to be a hard one to write. Nevertheless one must endeavour and I am convinced I shall write it (although I will probably come back for a hundred edits but no one must ever know I told you that!).

This is only my second night and already we have had a family ahem 'argument'. You think you've grown up and then things hurt that shouldn't, and you think - gosh, where has all that change flown to?!

My father called me out to discuss something. Ominous words those, as you can guess. I just brought my worship music out to keep playing and was summarily told by my appa to put it off as it would distract him. Little things like that now suddenly I find even more strange... not because I have a problem with authority (I know when I do unfortunately :( ) but simply that it is something I would never think of telling someone else. I would probably hold on for a couple of minutes and then if it really really ran my head in a tight twist I might suggest it. But that was only little and my father is really amusing like that. And he's so funny when he says 'it's for me' but you know, if you didn't want to do it, he wouldn't be so obliging! And it's just like me!!! In so many ways! So I did really laugh then. But later - I really wanted to cry and I wished so much that I had that outward aid of focusing my mind on God - it's only a prop, but I have had a hard time tonight. I think we all have had. If God weren't hugging us in our individual, in-all-probability-self-imposed miseries, He might be amused at our thickness...

But we were talking about a huge decision that appa and amma seem to have taken. Tomorrow the ad will be in the papers to sell our house which I've lived in for nearly all my life (if you count the last two years too, lol!). Not something I was anticipating, at all LOL. Ah well, like I always say, at least life's never boring:D I have been provided for by miracles sometimes. And I have tried to help. But my father I believe is hurt that he cannot give and others give. This is strange to me because part of it is scholarship money and part of it is the bank and part of it is simply the family of God in fantastic ways. And hard as I panic when I am waiting on God, I still cannot believe appa is responsible for the fact that God provides. But I have never lacked - I have never not had enough and needed to ask for it from people. But the provision has always been just in time. My parents have been running out of money for sometime. Yet God provides in an amazing way but I think appa feels day-to-day faith is okay but perhaps just maybe he is not being responsible enough. I understand - and being humbled is hard. Appa then said "So we, as a family, you, me and amma have taken this decision and we agree don't we?"


Earlier on in the conversation he had said it was amma's insistence that made him tell me. And I'm thinking Hang on 'ere! So in a month when the house is sold you will tell me to pack my bags because we're moving??? It is ridiculous, isn't it?! But it hurts like a tweezer pressed on the ripest point of a tumour! And I am even finding it a bit ridiculous and funny that it hurt like that... but maybe it has a purpose in leading me to find out what God wants of me next... And he then told me that in his day his parents would take the decision and the children would silently pack their bags and follow without a moment's notice and no questions asked. If they heard, they would know. If not, so there... Appa has so often brought up to me this idea of his father and how he thinks life can be ordered the way thatha might have had it. Military, no questions asked, charge without counting consequence, no involvement, friendship or accountability. It didn't matter when I was growing up and I couldn't be called a child anymore... LOL, it still doesn't matter when I'm considering whether to believe people when they say I'm all grown up :O But you know, maybe it has always been my fault that I expected more... that I always looked forward to the day that my father would maybe treat me as someone-who-would-understand... It didn't bother me when he was like that until, long ago, a paying guest in our house was called to the table to 'discuss' things. Said paying guest being my age and she and I having been chatting on the sofa until that point. She did not know the language yet - I was her teacher. However, when she asked if I couldn't come and help, my appa simply said "No, she won't understand, she's only little... I don't want to involve her". I take full credit for being 'only little' - I was seventeen or eighteen I think :) And I still haven't become a 'big' girl... Siiiggghhhh

Anyway back to business - it has often been like that with appa. it is as if he suddenly never saw me! I suppose I must be like that to him too. I must be completely unsympathetic and I must seem immature to him - actually, this I must seem to both my parents. The trouble is I don't know why, and every other person I am with, if I am immature to them - I know it.

But it wasn't just that. Some other things were said that hurt. And I had no idea. And at this point, I don't know which hurt more then - the fact that my father said and thought what he said and thought or that my mother just couldn't accept that my reaction was a hurt one! To me, it seemed painfully obvious that I would react that way. To my mother, apparently, not. And I was not angry - and my mother who I usually assume understands, believes I was. I know some of you know me - BO, GJ, AB etc... But I'd just like to say for the record - when I react immediately, it isn't always because I am angry or defensive. It is simply because I have verbal diarrhoea or that I am stressed or like a complete idiot I actually want to let you know that this flippin' hurts and I'm wondering, like the beautiful non-grownup I am :O, whether God will use someone listening there to make it go away! I felt so small and tiny and all I wanted to do was go back to my room and listen to KK's Spanish worship music again. But I only moved to do this when everything was nearly over and my head was splitting in a pounding headache and I could see no point in trying to drive it home that 'we-including-me' did not, in fact, take the decision my father then off-the-bat-ly said we had 'all' agreed upon. But amma took it that I was just 'reacting' and protested. Maybe it was just that she panicked and didn't want to let me go off when she hadn't made me feel better - maybe she was being 'mum'-ish. But she couldn't have - and all I wanted then was to be alone with God... But hey, we're all messed-up humans and even worse communicators so it was probably me that got that wrong...

Appa also says 'I know this is the will of God... why not let me be happy in doing this and why not believe me when I say this is the will of God... because I have tried everything else... if it is not the will of God, you should tell me... if it is not the will of God, some man of God will tell me...
...' And I'm thinking Woah, do you hear yourself?!

Mixed signals and then I get told off again on this count - I am partly responsible here because I said unless God specifically told me to 'GO and TELL' or He made His sovereign will (as in command-ish) I would never tell them if God revealed something to me... simply because it would complicate matters further and God can redeem. Also having been told that I was in danger of believing myself the only one who hears from God (and amma and appa argued on this one! LOL while I killed mosquitoes and tried to stop crying so annoyingly!), I did not think they would want me telling them. Also having been told that amma got annoyed (unknown to me LOL... I was well amused when my appa described that as he has a clever knack of putting things in very laughable ways that sticks to him albeit in a different tone even when he is angry) that I kept repeating that if I didn't know, I was going to wait on God... I really did not think it was a good idea to take it on myself to be the happy bounder and tell them unless I was meant to! But I was being cautious and, as can be expected, appa said but this is a family - and you discuss things - and you're not being accountable for each other and engaging with each other as people in a family do. By this time, I was hurt and amused (impossible state) to do anything else but sit there instead of saying 'Exactly'! But I was so blessed because even with me being flippin' me - I didn't argue or say things I could have now regretted or say anything that wasn't right in the eyes of God. So obviously the whole of the three hours! Unfortunately me being an Indian family member - I did raise my voice, as we were all talking at once - as, of course, you do ;O LOL

Anyway I am sorry I offloaded all of this on you - whoever is reading this! You didn't stop by for a whine! But I came back crying 'I want to go back already and even more today' - but I ended up listening and I know He's right, of course, I can't run away. And I know tomorrow I will enjoy my parents' company and love having the dogs around... They are gorgeous, my puppies! I also know there is a reason He's brought me here and, at least the ones I know, I'm waiting to fulfil.

Tomorrow I will tell you all about my flight maybe... Today my head just needs paracetamol, no contact lenses and to 'be still and listen'...

Love y'all


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