Wednesday 20 June 2007

Bubble and squeak

Here I sit in my little Christian bubble, using 'faith-speak' and hoping to speak to the uninitiated. I don't want to 'convert' people, I am not trying. Yet I am inadequate in expressing the vastness of a love that is beyond telling. A love that flows into you and makes you love other people. A love that is so strong that it changes the definition of 'unrequited', and always nullifies it.

When I blog of these feelings, are they too intensely private to share with everyone? I am not talking of this post at all. If they are, am I being exclusivist? I don't mind making this URL my little confession box of sins and non-sins. But I do mind making my visiting preachers feel left out in the cold.

Here I sit in my little Christian bubble, with the colours that make me happy, rolling around inured to the air around me. Maybe there is bubble-time and broken-time. I suspect God prefers broken. I break it, and I am me. As much me as I was inside the bubble. But bubble-squeak and bubble-gloss are gone. And the people happen.


Anonymous said...

thats what we've been learning in my Women's Bible Study class.... let my heart be broken with the things that Break the heart of God..its when the bubble bursts that the essence is truly tasted.

pilgrim said...

yes i think its a hindrance sometimes in God's presence...
funny i always think i have already answered your comments :/ lol - prolly cos i respond too quickly in my head. happens with some ppl.

Ta'fxkz said...

me thinks this is a classic... Thanks for posting