Tuesday 27 February 2007

rain, AB, there-goes-modelling and scholarships

This is weird but the most reactive to my last posts were people not of my race... they were all Christian and outraged. Probably the way it should be - when BO says 'Why do they tell me not to wear my sari like everyone else?' I say 'I dunno, have you asked them?' She has, by the way, and they have said 'Well, cos you're white'. So... they prefer brown midriffs to white?? I erm rest my case... :(( BO, by the way, who has asked to be sent this link is lovely wonderful fantastic (happy, B? :)) but more - she's awfully brave to keep going back to India which must be just as lovely and confusing to her as I find this country. Or maybe she's not brave - maybe she's just committed to what God wants. And I react to ppl's confusions sort of like they react to mine here - which on blogging about it makes me think of 'bearing each other's burdens'?? On a much smaller scale of course than the 1st C Christians ;)

BTW BO's name doesn't really stand for body odour. Not even when she's visited JMJ;) There, vindicated!

Now - it's been raining all day and since I love the rain I end up grinning like a bigger idiot than usual on my walk home! LOL Ah, Wales :) I know most people don't really 'love' rain - but I think it's brilliant! Beautiful really just like most other things are - sun, snow... although I might draw the line at enjoying a volcano... it may be beautiful (erm no offense, Lord;)) but I won't have time to stand and stare will I? Unless I'm already dead! Yes, I'm weird but not that weird ;) But no, rain's not pleasant when bus drivers like to splash your ankles and your lovely boots (!) with muddy water :(
But the real reason I wanted to blog about the rain is because this student was soooo weepy today. She complained about the UK, she complained about her husband, she complained about her house, she complained about English, she complained about money, she was just beginning to complain about her landlord's personal advances even!!! My word, no wonder she complained about me. She even complained about her zodiac - which of course she has read. It told her she would be tired and unhappy - well, of course she obeys THE ZODIAC! Uh! I was happy to tell her it was rubbish and would she snap out of it please (very politely in dulcet tones, ha!) But she was not focussed on her work really today which makes the teacher's job a LOT more teachy :P

AB - another friend who was on Gtalk for most of today and which made me glad!! Filled up my breaks most profitably on discussing mums, dads, men, boots, promotions, teeth and other essential information.

Wanted to also register for a models wanted thingy so I could get a free haircut - which I dearly need! But they took down the sign just today, so I'll have to go to that other shop with a similar sign (wink wink). I can always sound like I'm used to it with last year's stuff at UWB... LOL

Debbie Cameron wrote back to me and said the date is past for giving any additional information about scholarships so they can't really use my MA marks now... :S Either way God works stuff out.

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