Thursday, 22 May 2008

In a Mirror Darkly

I'm rambling... so pay attention! When I make mistakes, perhaps I assuage my conscience with the idea that I have learnt so much, and that perhaps God allowed it. But I want never to forget that God's perfect will was not for me to fall. I don't want to think that because I have fallen, I know better than the one that has not. Or that being wrong and then righted is the best way to be...

I think we all do that to each other. We all base our images of each other on whatever makes us most comfortable. Like we do to God too. But not only is God what we see in our mind's eye based on our own image of ourselves, but God is. And being, He is a person in His own right with things outside of those things we perceive in Him. If we limit God to just what we perceive, He is a construct. But He isn't - He is a person! I think that's what Paul meant when he said "in a mirror darkly".

Just like other people are... and reality or our interpretations of reality are not always what fits our theories.

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