Saturday 21 July 2007


Be very careful, then, how you live--not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is.

What, then, do I do? As I seek the answer, I am learning and unlearning. But I need an answer! But as I seek answers, I come out with peace - no answers yet, but Jesus. Strange working indeed.


That Girl said...

ephesians 5:15-17!!!
would you beleive it !! we had to learn that in our ladies bible study this week!!

i love your blog. im going to link you.

pilgrim said...

lol thanks :D

so what did you learn about it??

That Girl said...

its about how since the days are getting so evil by the minute, that Satan is trying to get us to waste every minute and how much of our time we really waste.. because it gets more complicated by the second.... its not just NOT doing something that is wrong or sinful.. but just wasting the time doing frivolous things or just things that dont really contribute at all to the strengthening of our minds and souls for God to use....

pilgrim said...

that is actually true - and the as-long-as-I'm-not-bad philosophy makes you get very comfortable with where you are at the moment. But disobedience is as much an error of omission as commission. Your accounts won't settle with either type...